The BMI Obesity Controversy

Does BMI effectively indicate obesity in individuals? Can we trust it as the standard for determining whether we are obese, overweight or healthy? BMI, or body mass index, is so well known by most people as the measure of the health of the body that most people don’t...


In previous articles we’ve talked a lot about the fat-burning qualities of muscle and why strength training is a must for anyone interested in burning fat and reducing their waistline. In this article we’re going to explore the amazing, under-acknowledged and...

Getting into Shape – What’s it Worth?

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the estimated annual medical cost of cardiovascular disease or stroke is $209.3 billion; cancer is $60.9 billion; diabetes is $92 billion; obesity is $61 billion. That’s a total of $423.2 billion! What’s...

Top 5 Food Tips

1. EAT FOR PURPOSE Don’t just eat for pleasure. Eat for the goal you want to achieve whether for health, energy, fat loss, muscle tone, muscle building, longevity or even to look great on your wedding day. 2. SUGAR: AVOID SUGAR AND SUBSTITUTES AND PROCESSED FOODS Cut...