How to Lose Ten Pounds in One Day

To lose weight, you need to reduce one or more of the three main ingredients in your body:

  1. Adipose tissue: fat
  2. Water
  3. Lean tissue: muscle, bone or organs

Woman Weighing Herself on ScaleIf your goal is just to lower the numbers on the weight scale, then you can lose a quick ten pounds by cutting off an arm, but only if you take it off at the shoulder.  Okay, perhaps that’s a bit extreme.   After all, two arms are better than one.

When you step on a weight scale, it will measure all three main ingredients, water, fat-tissue and lean-tissue. We need to define what we want to make less of, obvious answer, less fat tissue.

A useful purchase is a weight scale that also measures body fat; they cost more but are worth it.

16-week Weight Loss Study

William Zuti, an exercise physiologist did a 16-week university study on three approaches to lose weight, he worked with three groups of overweight subjects in programs designed to take off one pound (3500 calories) of fat per week for 16 weeks.

Method 1: Group 1; Calorie Reduction Only

  • Reduced their diet by 500 calories per day and did no exercise.

Method 2: Group 2; Calorie Reduction and Exercise Output

  • Reduced their diet by 250 calories per day, and expended 250 calories through exercise.

Method 3: Group 3; Exercise Output Only

  • All exercise. Expended 500 calories through exercise each day. No reduction in food calories.

Results After 16-Week Experiment:

METHOD USED FOR WEIGHT LOSS 16 WEEK STUDY Total weight Muscle weight Fat weight
Group 1: (calorie-cutting group with no exercise) 11.7 pounds; 0 pounds 9.2 pounds
Group 2: (reduced calories and increased exercise group) 12.0 pounds; 1 pounds 13 pounds
Group 3: (all-exercise group, no calorie cutting) 10.6 pounds. 2 pounds 12.6 pounds

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